I've made a lot of progress with my game since last week. The game is now at a playable stage. You can now run around and collect gems against a timer. After playing the game myself, I could not find many glaring bugs.
I have a fully working character controller. I fixed the problem by returning to a later version of Unity. The terrain has also seen a big visual improvement. I added new assets, textures, trees, and grass. The maze has been remade using 3D objects. I also spread the collectible gems all over the map. I made 3D cube objects and stretched them across the map border to contain the player. I then turned off their mesh renderers so the walls became invisible. I also did the same for my characters house because the player could walk through the object.
I still need to make a working scoring system. Points will be earned when gems are collected. The main menu also needs to be made. I was getting errors and my game would not play. I'm finding the scoring system a bit tricky but hopefully, I can fix the problem before the end of next week. My minimap is now fixed and the player can now be seen on it. To fix this problem I attached a cube object to the player character.
Overall I'm happy with my progress because I've caught up with my plan. I was a little behind on meeting my target plan last week because I could not get my character controller to work properly.
Before the end of next week, I want to improve the look of the terrain, make the main menu and get a working score system. My game should be fully finished and working by next week if all goes according to plan.
An Image Taken While Playing
Updated Maze
Minimap and Timer
Hey Conor, your game looks really good. I can tell you've put a lot of time effort into making your game. Visually, your game looks really interesting and different. I look forward to seeing the final game!