Ijsselsteijn, W.A., Poels, K., Jurgelionis, A., Bellotti, F., Bernhaupt, R. and Tscheligi, M. (2007) Characterising and Measuring User Experiences in Digital Games.
Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Genoa, discuss usability metrics to user-centered game design. The paper describes how difficult it is to measure a gaming experience. It also points out immersion and flow concepts as potential candidates for assessing gameplay. Flow is a name given by Csikszentmihalyi to a state of enjoyment where people are engrossed in the activity.
It is concluded that it will take time before a generally agreed framework that describes digital games. They are developing a Game Experience Questionaire that will cover a wide variety of digital game experiences.
Ijsselsteijn, W., Nap, H., de Kort, Y. and Poels, K. (Nov 14, 2007) 'Digital Game Design for Elderly Users', ACM, , pp. 17.
The paper discusses game designs relating to elderly users. It aims to look past the conventional perspective of usability requirements. The researchers examine a wide range of demographic characteristics and age-related sensory properties that influence elderly users experience with digital games.
It is concluded that digital games have entertainment and therapeutic values. They allow people to socialize through online play. User testing tailored towards elderly users would dramatically increase basic game accessibility for them. Interface designs for elderly users should reduce the burden on functions that decline with age and should compensate for any functional limitations.
Eelke Folmer Usability Patterns in Games.
Researchers at the Department of Computing Science, University of Nevada discuss usability patterns in games. This paper goes into detail about a tool that can help interaction designs for games. A game's success is determined on gameplay, a good storyline, artwork, and marketing.
Games rely on many years of experience, patterns in usability help designers capture design knowledge in a greater format. They have gathered a collection of usability patterns that give solutions to games classic usability problems. The paper concludes that UI designs for games can benefit from collected usability patterns because they will help aid communication and may lead to games having fewer usability problems.
Veronica Zammitto 'Visualization Techniques in Video Games', BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, .
This paper aims to show how visual information is useful for video game players when visualization principals are applied.
The paper also looks at three video game subgenres FPS, RTS, and MMO. The main mechanism for FPS games is violence. Managing is the main mechanism for RTS games. MMO games main mechanisms are how socially orientated they are.
It is concluded that information visualization for video games needs to be further developed. Different video game genres emphasize particular tasks, but some visualization techniques are superior in different video game genres.
(5)Oliver Gray Video Games: A New Interface for Non-Professional Game Developers.
This paper discusses Valves source engine, a tool that allows amateur users to create video games. With the advancement of technology, non-professionals now have access to video game creation. An interface called Virtuoso is described in this paper. Virtuoso is a useful tool that allows a high level of user involvement, communication and sharing.
User Experience
(Image by Andy Bright)
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