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Showing posts from March, 2019

Week 10 Progress

This week I had to start working on making the games home screen. So far I have finished making the background, and some of the furniture. The walls and floor are finished but more detail is still to be added to the furniture. I also continued my research by looking at more images of furniture popular at the time of the Rising. I then started reading about the living conditions of people during that time. I learned that many were homeless or shared housing. The conditions of the buildings were very bad due to no maintenance. Many buildings in the city and surrounding areas had no running water or proper sanitation. After reading more about living conditions, I think it's important that the room on the main menu has a similar unkept look. I watched a few different Youtube videos to help me design the background. The first useful video I watched thought me all about using the perspective distort tool. The second useful video I watched explained how to use image trace on...

MD2Final GDD

My Role  The team all met up on Wednesday and Thursday, we discussed the project going forward and peoples roles were updated. My job will still be to take care of all the graphic design work. I may also be contributing to the project by gathering further research. This week I designed and finished the logo that we are going to be using for the game. I played around with my ideas until deciding on the final design. The logo is based on a 1916 medal that was given to soldiers during that time period. I looked at pictures online to get an idea of what the medal would have looked like. I think its really suitable and clean looking and the font is large and easy to read. Next week I will be working designing the games main menu screen. I was given a drawing of the inside of a house from the art team, I can use to base my work off. I found this very useful because I was then able to go and research what the inside of a house would have looked like during the early 20th Centu...

Game Design Document

This week we worked on the teams GDD. After speaking to the team leaders Chris and James this week, I was updated on the project and was given my first task. The task given to me this week was to design a logo for the "19 Sixteen" game. My role is displayed in the groups GDD. I will be working on all graphic design work for the project. I will always be in contact with Chris and James. I will also be working closely along with the Art Team. Some of my tasks will be creating graphics for promotion such as logos and banners etc. I may also be working creating textures and assets for the game. Easter Rising 1916 Image by DFArchives